Icon TDataType

Unit: WebData

TDataType = (dtUnknown,dtString,dtBoolean,dtInteger,dtFloat,
      dtDate, dtTime,dtDateTime,dtBlob)

Available In: Client and Server Applications

The TDataType enumerated type is used to specify the type of a TDataColumn instance in a TDataSet instance.

dtBlobSpecifies that the column is a BLOB (Binary Large Object) column.
dtBooleanSpecifies that the column is a boolean (True/False) column.
dtDateSpecifies that the column is a date column.
dtDateTimeSpecifies that the column is a date/time column.
dtFloatSpecifies that the column is a floating-point precision numeric column.
dtIntegerSpecifies that the column is an integer column.
dtStringSpecifies that the column is a character string column.
dtTimeSpecifies that the column is a time column.
dtUnknownSpecifies that the column is of an unknown type (do not use).