Icon THTTPMethod

Unit: WebSrvr

THTTPMethod = (hmUnknown,hmGet,hmHead,hmPost,hmPut,hmDelete,
      hmOptions, hmPatch)

Available In: Server Applications

The THTTPMethod enumerated type is used by the THTTPServerRequest class to indicate the HTTP method for a web server request.

hmDeleteIndicates that the request is an HTTP DELETE request.
hmGetIndicates that the request is an HTTP GET request.
hmHeadIndicates that the request is an HTTP HEAD request.
hmOptionsIndicates that the request is an HTTP OPTIONS request.

Information This type of request is always handled internally by the web server and will never appear in a request routed to a server application or native web server module.
hmPatchIndicates that the request is an HTTP PATCH request.
hmPostIndicates that the request is an HTTP POST request.
hmPutIndicates that the request is an HTTP PUT request.
hmUnknownIndicates that the type of the HTTP request is unknown.