Icon TLayoutConsumption

Unit: WebUI

TLayoutConsumption = (lcNone,lcTopLeft,lcTop,lcTopRight,lcLeft,
      lcRight, lcBottomLeft,lcBottom,lcBottomRight)

Available In: Client and Server Applications

The TLayoutConsumption enumerated type is used with the TLayout class to specify how a UI element or control consumes space in the layout rectangle.

lcBottomSpecifies that the element or control will consume space towards the bottom of the layout rectangle.
lcBottomLeftSpecifies that the element or control will consume space towards the bottom-left corner of the layout rectangle.
lcBottomRightSpecifies that the element or control will consume space towards the bottom-right corner of the layout rectangle.
lcLeftSpecifies that the element or control will consume space towards the left side of the layout rectangle.
lcNoneSpecifies that the element or control will not consume any space in the layout rectangle. This is the default value.
lcRightSpecifies that the element or control will consume space towards the right side of the layout rectangle.
lcTopSpecifies that the element or control will consume space towards the top of the layout rectangle.
lcTopLeftSpecifies that the element or control will consume space towards the top-left corner of the layout rectangle.
lcTopRightSpecifies that the element or control will consume space towards the top-right corner of the layout rectangle.