Icon TLayoutPosition

Unit: WebUI

TLayoutPosition = (lpNone,lpTopLeft,lpTop,lpTopCenter,lpTopRight,

Available In: Client and Server Applications

The TLayoutPosition enumerated type is used with the TLayout class to specify how a UI element or control is positioned in the layout rectangle.

lpBottomSpecifies that the element or control will be positioned at the bottom of the layout rectangle.
lpBottomCenterSpecifies that the element or control will be centered horizontally at the bottom of the layout rectangle.
lpBottomLeftSpecifies that the element or control will be positioned in the bottom left corner of the layout rectangle.
lpBottomRightSpecifies that the element or control will be positioned in the bottom right corner of the layout rectangle.
lpCenterSpecifies that the element or control will be centered horizontally and vertically within the layout rectangle.
lpLeftSpecifies that the element or control will be positioned on the left side of the layout rectangle.
lpLeftCenterSpecifies that the element or control will be centered vertically on the left side of the layout rectangle.
lpNoneSpecifies that the element or control will not be positioned by the control's layout management, and will instead be positioned according to its assigned Left and Top property values. This is the default value.
lpRightSpecifies that the element or control will be positioned on the right side of the layout rectangle.
lpRightCenterSpecifies that the element or control will be centered vertically on the right side of the layout rectangle.
lpTopSpecifies that the element or control will be positioned at the top of the layout rectangle.
lpTopCenterSpecifies that the element or control will be centered horizontally at the top of the layout rectangle.
lpTopLeftSpecifies that the element or control will be positioned in the top left corner of the layout rectangle.
lpTopRightSpecifies that the element or control will be positioned in the top right corner of the layout rectangle.