Icon TModalResult

Unit: WebCtrls

TModalResult = (mrNone,mrOk,mrCancel,mrAbort,mrRetry, mrIgnore,
      mrYes,mrNo,mrAll,mrNoToAll, mrYesToAll,mrClose)

Available In: Client and Server Applications

The TModalResult enumerated type is used with modal forms and dialogs to indicate which action the user selected to close the modal form or dialog.

mrAbortIndicates that the Abort button was clicked or selected.
mrAllIndicates that the All button was clicked or selected.
mrCancelIndicates that the Cancel button was clicked or selected.
mrCloseIndicates that the Close button was clicked or selected.
mrIgnoreIndicates that the Ignore button was clicked or selected.
mrNoIndicates that the No button was clicked or selected.
mrNoneIndicates that no button was clicked or selected.
mrNoToAllIndicates that the No to All button was clicked or selected.
mrOkIndicates that the Ok button was clicked or selected.
mrRetryIndicates that the Retry button was clicked or selected.
mrYesIndicates that the Yes button was clicked or selected.
mrYesToAllIndicates that the Yes to All button was clicked or selected.