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Check Out this Elevate Web Builder 2 Application
Posted by Tim Young on Fri, May 22 2015


I'm happy to finally be able to share this really cool EWB 2 application with you. The application is called Cinedisk, and the author is Uli Becker. He originally developed the application using EWB 1, and it looked great even with a lot of the limitations that came with EWB 1 in terms of layout/design. However, the EWB 2 version is so cool that I asked him if we could host it directly on our web server. The application uses ElevateDB as the database engine.

And, without further ado, here is Cinedisk:


To login, use the following credentials:
  • English-speaking users: UserEN

  • German-speaking users: UserDE
The password for all users is: EDBDefault (case-sensitive)

The description from Uli:

"Cinedisk is an application that manages your movie collection (later TV series will be added). It communicates with TheMovieDatabase (TMDb https://www.themoviedb.org) which provides an API to collect any information you are looking for. The basic information are stored in an EDB-Database, all images like the movie's poster or the cast images are loaded from TMDb server at runtime. Also additional information and images like "Biography" or "Best movies" in an actor's detail window are requested at runtime.

TMDb uses JSON for all responses and that works nicely together with EWB. With EWB2 it's just fun to use TReader to parse the incoming JSON.

To add a new movie to your collection, click the button and enter the title (or a part of it) of the movie you are looking for. Cinedisk sends a request to TMDb and displays the result with all matching movies. Just click on the poster of a movie to show all details in a separate window. Here you can edit most of the fields. Links for trailers are stored in form of a YouTube-ID. If a trailer is missing, you can google for it using the button at the bottom (the app only accepts YouTube trailers). Next to this button you find a hint how to do that. Once you have changed the ID, you can play the trailer immediately.

To see additional information for actors, just click on their image to open a new window with biography and best movies (rated by the TMDb community). You can search for title, cast, content or a genre, to close the search result and return to the complete list of movies, just click on the matching icon.

To avoid flickering and to compensate the timing difference between the loading times of text and images, the application uses two instances of an embedded "content" form. Only after the loading process has completed, the "new" content form is displayed.

All layouts work with only a little of code - the new layout features of EWB2 were used to create a responsive layout. Thus resizing the browser window should keep a proper layout."

Please be sure to let Uli know what you think in the comments.

Tags: Elevate Web Builder, Example ApplicationPermanent Link0 Comments
