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Serious Serious
Reported By: Samuel Costa
Reported On: 4/2/2004
For: Version 4.05 Build 1
# 1650 Trying to Use the SQL or Filter EXTRACT Function Fails with TimeStamp Error Under Delphi 6 or Higher

I've come across this weird error,

'0.59040000' is not a valid timestamp.

this error comes from the execution of the following SQL:

Select * from Desligar where (desligar = true)
and (extract(HOUR FROM Hora) = extract(HOUR from cast('16:24' as 
and (extract(MINUTE FROM Hora) = extract(MINUTE from cast('16:24' as 

Comments Comments
Problem did not occur with Delphi 5 because Delphi 5 allows 0 values in the TTimeStamp structure, but Delphi 6 and higher does not.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 4/8/2004 in version 4.06 build 1