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Minor Minor
Reported By: Tim Young
Reported On: 7/17/2013
For: Version 2.13 Build 2
# 3873 Rows Affected Incorrect When ERROR Triggers Suppress Exceptions During INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE

The following trigger suppresses any constraint errors for an INSERT.

This is a problem because without the exception (which is being suppressed by the ERROR trigger), the INSERT proceeds as if it actually occurred, so things like the number of rows affected is still reported as 1.

CREATE TRIGGER Suppress_Exception
   IF ERRORCODE() <> 1004 THEN -- 1004 is a constraint error (see manual)
   END IF;

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 7/18/2013 in version 2.13 build 3

Products Affected Products Affected
ElevateDB Additional Software and Utilities
ElevateDB DAC Client-Server
ElevateDB DAC Client-Server with Source
ElevateDB DAC Standard
ElevateDB DAC Standard with Source
ElevateDB DAC Trial
ElevateDB LCL Standard with Source
ElevateDB PHP Standard
ElevateDB PHP Standard with Source
ElevateDB PHP Trial
ElevateDB VCL Client-Server
ElevateDB VCL Client-Server with Source
ElevateDB VCL Standard
ElevateDB VCL Standard with Source
ElevateDB VCL Trial
