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Serious Serious
Reported By: Phil Read
Reported On: 1/8/2020
For: Version 2.31 Build 11
# 4772 Verification and Repair Can Report Different Results for the Same Table

I have a concern with a table that required repairing.

First I verified the table using...

VERIFY TABLE "email_message"

Log Messages:
Verification of the table email_message started at 2020-01-09 09:24:22.510
Verification error for the index __PrimaryKey in the email_message table (Invalid index key value for row 1921 (1921)) - Not Fixed
Verification error for the index messageID in the email_message table (Invalid index key value for row 1921 ({F8F01C7B-1EB1-43C4-A080-A1CB578A41A6})) - Not Fixed
Verification error for the index created in the email_message table (Invalid index key value for row 1921 (2019-04-14 19:48:59.566)) - Not Fixed
Verification error for the index from_name in the email_message table (Invalid index key value for row 1921 (******* Edwards)) - Not Fixed
Verification error for the index from in the email_message table (Invalid index key value for row 1921 ******@gmail.com)) - Not Fixed
Verification error for the index to in the email_message table (Invalid index key value for row 1921 (******@gmail.com)) - Not Fixed
Verification error for the index subject in the email_message table (Invalid index key value for row 1921 (****** (tenant-receipt.pdf))) - Not Fixed
Verification error for the index sent in the email_message table (Invalid index key value for row 1921 (0000-00-00 00:00)) - Not Fixed
Verification error for the index body in the email_message table (Invalid text index key value for row 1921) - Not Fixed
Verification of the table email_message ended at 2020-01-09 09:24:22.761

I then repaired the table using...

REPAIR TABLE "email_message"

Log Messages:
Verification of the table email_message started at 2020-01-09 09:25:32.817
Verification error for the index __PrimaryKey in the email_message table (Invalid index key value for row 1921 (1921)) - Fixed
Verification error for the index messageID in the email_message table (Invalid index key value for row 1921 ({F8F01C7B-1EB1-43C4-A080-A1CB578A41A6})) - Fixed
Verification error for the index created in the email_message table (Invalid index key value for row 1921 (2019-04-14 19:48:59.566)) - Fixed
Verification error for the index from_name in the email_message table (Invalid index key value for row 1921 (**** Edwards)) - Fixed
Verification error for the index from in the email_message table (Invalid index key value for row 1921 (*****@gmail.com)) - Fixed
Verification error for the index to in the email_message table (Invalid index key value for row 1921 (*****@gmail.com)) - Fixed
Verification error for the index subject in the email_message table (Invalid index key value for row 1921 (***** (tenant-receipt.pdf))) - Fixed
Verification error for the index sent in the email_message table (Invalid index key value for row 1921 (0000-00-00 00:00)) - Fixed
Verification error for the index body in the email_message table (Invalid text index key value for row 1921) - Fixed
Verification of the table email_message ended at 2020-01-09 09:25:33.301

All looked fixed and to be sure I ran a repair again...

REPAIR TABLE "email_message"
Log Messages:
Verification of the table email_message started at 2020-01-09 09:26:56.532
Verification of the table email_message ended at 2020-01-09 09:26:56.904

So it looked great... but then if I run VERIFY again it shows (Invalid text index key value for row 1926) - Not Fixed

VERIFY TABLE "email_message"
Log Messages:
Verification of the table email_message started at 2020-01-09 09:27:38.117
Verification error for the index body in the email_message table (Invalid text index key value for row 1926) - Not Fixed
Verification of the table email_message ended at 2020-01-09 09:27:38.401

But running repair doesn't pick up anything..

REPAIR TABLE "email_message"
Log Messages:
Verification of the table email_message started at 2020-01-09 09:29:10.660
Verification of the table email_message ended at 2020-01-09 09:29:11.039

Should I worry that the VERIFY is still showing an invalid text index key ?

Comments Comments
The issue was related to how the verify and repair were setting up rows during their operation. In certain cases the BLOB streams were not getting reset, and this was affecting how the verification of the text index keys was occurring with text-indexed BLOB columns.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 1/13/2020 in version 2.31 build 12

Products Affected Products Affected
ElevateDB Additional Software and Utilities
ElevateDB DAC Client-Server
ElevateDB DAC Client-Server with Source
ElevateDB DAC Standard
ElevateDB DAC Standard with Source
ElevateDB DAC Trial
ElevateDB LCL Standard with Source
ElevateDB PHP Standard
ElevateDB PHP Standard with Source
ElevateDB PHP Trial
ElevateDB VCL Client-Server
ElevateDB VCL Client-Server with Source
ElevateDB VCL Standard
ElevateDB VCL Standard with Source
ElevateDB VCL Trial
