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Serious Serious
Reported By: Michael Dreher
Reported On: 6/12/2017
For: Version 2.06 Build 2
# 4533 Input Controls Lose Cursor When Application Run in Firefox

When using input controls in firefox, the cursor becomes invisible. No probleme with IE or chrome. I have attached two simple projects with components TEdit, TMultiLineEdit (different layouts).

Effect: on startup the TEdit has focus (the default text is selected). If I...
 a) press TAB, input switches to the TMultiLiteEdit, I see the cursor, but the TEdit.Text remains "visible selected".
 b) left click alternating TMultiLiteEdit and TEdit instead, the cursor becomes invisible.

Comments Comments
The issue was the fix implemented in incident #4505, which stopped the propogation of some focus events during the capture phase and caused this issue with Firefox:


Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on in version 2.06 build 3

Products Affected Products Affected
Elevate Web Builder
Elevate Web Builder Trial
