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Serious Serious
Reported By: Paul Waegemans
Reported On: 7/17/2018
For: Version 2.06 Build 16
# 4669 Date/Times Not Being Localized Properly During DataSet Load Operations

I tested 2 of my WebApps on 4 different browsers and with different TimeZones Severside. The results are below.

Both applications has the LocalizeDateTimeColumns propertie of the datasets set to true.

Both applications are producing the same fault in showing the time.

WebApp 1

1° Serverside - TimeZone = UTC +1 (Brussels)

IE                           time OK             08:30
FireFox                      time OK             08:30
GoogleChrome                 time NOK            07:30 instead of 08:30 
Opera                        time NOK            07:30 instead of 08:30

2° Serverside - TimeZone = UTC 

IE                          time NOK             09:30 instead of 08:30
FireFox                     time NOK             09:30 instead of 08:30
GoogleChrome                time OK              08:30 
Opera                       time OK              08:30

WebApp 2

1° Serverside - TimeZone = UTC +1 (Brussels)

IE                          time OK             20:00
FireFox                     time OK             20:00
GoogleChrome                time NOK            19:00 instead of 20:00 
Opera                       time NOK            19:00 instead of 20:00

2° Serverside - TimeZone = UTC 

IE                          time NOK            21:00 instead of 20:00
FireFox                     time NOK            21:00 instead of 20:00
GoogleChrome                time OK             20:00 
Opera                       time OK             20:00

Comments Comments
The cause of this bug was the fix for incident #4655 - Time Values Not Sorting Correctly when New Row Inserted into TDataSet Instance. However, the bug only occurred with Chrome and Opera, which is why it was missed originally.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 7/3/2018 in version 2.06 build 17

Products Affected Products Affected
Elevate Web Builder
Elevate Web Builder Trial
