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Serious Serious
Reported By: Jakub Drbohlav
Reported On: 10/7/2021
For: Version 3.01 Build 4
# 4864 External Module Parsing and Source Code Generation Not Working Correctly

I would like ask you about "External Module Interface" feature of EWB. I spend some time on simple test project, but fail. I start with example "extclasstype" but the compiler stop on

external TVehicle module extclasstype = class(TObject)

line of generated interface unit with message

[Error] extclasstype.wbs (18,12): Expected function, procedure but instead found TVehicle

The second example "extnamespace" compile fine in IDE, but after deploy to internal server and after module instalation and start debugging, error message "Referenced unit compilation failed, compilation aborted" is shown.

Comments Comments
There were a few issues with the external module source parsing and generation that were causing these issues. The first was that external classes were not being generated as descended from the TExternalObject class instead of the TObject class. The second was that the parsing of external declarations was not handling the "module" keyword properly.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 10/8/2021 in version 3.02 build 1

Products Affected Products Affected
Elevate Web Builder
Elevate Web Builder Trial
