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Serious Serious
Reported By: Dave Cardnell
Reported On: 11/16/1999
For: Version 1.19 Build 1
# 500 Using a TDBISAMQuery as the Source of a Lookup Field Causes Incorrect Lookup Values to be Returned

The error is that the Name field is not displayed, assuming that some records have been entered.

Generate two tables

Table1                   Table1_ID          Integer
                         Table2_ID          Integer

Table2                   Table2_ID          Integer
                         Name               String(30)

Create new  application
add query1 with SQL      Select * from Table1
add query2 with SQL      Select * from Table2

add a calculated lookup field to query1 called NAME
the keyfield and lookupkeyfield is Table2_ID, lookupdatset is query2 
and lookupresultfield is Name

Add a datasouce connected to Table1
Add a grid connected to the datasource.
Set active on both queries to True.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 11/19/1999 in version 1.20 build 1