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Serious Serious
Reported By: Michael Urban
Reported On: 7/28/2001
For: Version 2.11 Build 1
# 827 Master-Detail Link Dialog Not Showing Proper Key Field Assignments

Key field assignment for tables connected via MasterSource property doesn't work. I have seen this bug before in a much earlier version. It has been fixed, but apparently reappeared.

Connect a detail table to a master table via MasterSource property
Open the key assignment dialog.
Select Master and detail key fields and press ok.
Reopen the dialog - you will notice that the detail field is no 
longer what you selected before.

Comments Comments and Workarounds
If this problem occurs the workaround is to just assign the MasterFields property directly using the Object Inspector or runtime code. This problem has been fixed in 3.0, which uses the standard Borland master-detail field link dialog.

Resolution Resolution
Scheduled for Future Release on in version 0.00 build 1