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Serious Serious
Reported By: David Martin
Reported On: 3/10/2002
For: Version 3.07 Build 1
# 1054 Optimistic Locking Allowing Overwrite of Record on Second Post Attempt

Using 3.07, D5, and optimistic locking.

1. Open a table twice using DBSys (so it is in two windows).
2. Edit, say, the first field in both tables (different edits) without posting.
3. Post the edit in one of the tables (table A).
4. Post the edit in the other table (table B) and you get an error dialog. Close the
dialog and refresh table B (or try to post the edit again and you get no error now).
5. Refresh table A.

The properly posted edit in table A (step 3) is overwritten by the edit in step 4.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 3/12/2002 in version 3.08 build 1