Reported By: Donat Herbert Reported On: 6/25/2002 For: Version 3.10 Build 1
# 1147SQL DELETE FROM with a Join Can Cause 8708 Error Appears to be a problem with this type of deletion (3.10 .. also tested with 3.11 with same error). I saw other 8708's reported but this appears to be under different circumstances. Please see the SQL below.
Delete from ANew
join bgstfws on (bgstfws.CostCentre = Anew.CostCentre and Bgstfws.
EmpClass =
/* # 8708 Record has been changed or deleted by another user,
session, or
table cursor in the table 'Anew' */
ResolutionFixed Problem on 7/1/2002 in version 3.11 build 1