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Minor Minor
Reported By: Andrew H. Grilk
Reported On: 6/25/2004
For: Version 4.08 Build 1
# 1759 DISTINCT SQL NOT IN Sub-Queries Are Very Slow

select statment using a not in clause with distinct VERY slow.

This took 876 seconds (about 14.5 mins) on the 2 tables cited below with record counts of

4939 in ItemDetails and
3644 in ItemHeaders.

delete from itemheaders
where reference not in(select distinct header
                       from itemdetails)


delete from itemheaders
where reference not in(select distinct header
                       from itemdetails order by 1)

Comments Comments and Workarounds
The workaround is to add an ORDER BY on the sub-query. This also applies to IN sub-queries in addition to NOT IN sub-queries.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 7/10/2004 in version 4.08 build 1