Reported By: Dario Barbazza Reported On: 10/7/2008 For: Version 2.01 Build 5
# 2787TEDBTable CancelRange Does Not Cancel Range Completely When Used with Un-Optimized Filter I'm using the last version 2.01 build 5 of EDB.
I have a filtered EDBTable with filter expression (edbTable.Filter = ‘xxx’ edbTable.Filtered = True), then I range this table and everything is correct.
Then I call CancelRange and the table doesn’t show the records but it remains ranged ! no refresh works.
CommentsThe filter had to specifically be un-optimized, or else you would not see the issue.
ResolutionFixed Problem on 10/8/2008 in version 2.02 build 1
Products AffectedElevateDB VCL Client-Server ElevateDB VCL Client-Server with Source ElevateDB VCL Standard ElevateDB VCL Standard with Source ElevateDB VCL Trial