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Minor Minor
Reported By: Walter Matte [Tactical Business Corporat
Reported On: 12/5/2013
For: Version 1.02 Build 2
# 3952 TCookies Exist Method Not Working Properly

Cookies.Exist('xyz') - always returns false

but Cookies.items['xyz'] actually returns the cookie.

sMsg : string;

sMsg := '';
if Cookies.enabled then

  if Cookies.Exists('xyz') then
    sMsg := 'Yes Exists -> '
    sMsg := 'NO Exists -> ';

  showmessage(sMsg + '   xyz = ' + Cookies.items['xyz']);

Comments Comments
The Exists method was not checking to see if the cookies needed to be loaded from the browser before checking the cookies TStrings list.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 12/6/2013 in version 1.03 build 1

Products Affected Products Affected
Elevate Web Builder
Elevate Web Builder Trial
