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Serious Serious
Reported By: Matthew Jones
Reported On: 12/3/2013
For: Version 1.02 Build 2
# 3965 Embedded JSON in JSON String Causes Error in TParser Component

The data below is a JSON string that fails the parser. The internet tells me that it is valid (jsonlint.com) but the TParser is being naive in its unescaping.

"name\":\"Internet Explorer\"}","{\"guid\":\"099AF111-5122-4F2E-87E2-68A497F55412\",\"name\":\"Facilita
15:26:42 (Friday 29)\",\"starttime\":\"2013-11-29T15:26:42\",\"inputcount\":24}","{\"guid\":\"E929ACA
B-C41B-4F1F-9125-BE340932D713\",\"name\":\"Gather 15:28:04 (Friday 29)\",\"starttime\":\"2013-11-29T15:28:04\",\"inputcount\":20}"]
,"usercount":10,"p_title":"GREEN = encourage RED =","p_blob1enable":"true","p_list":"\\\"list\\\":[\\\"Provide more sales\\\",
\\\"Sales increase of widgets\\\", \\\"Combat widgets\\\", \\\"More marketing\\\"}","enableauto":true,"currentmode":"control","currentduration":"1899-12

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 12/5/2013 in version 1.03 build 1

Products Affected Products Affected
Elevate Web Builder
Elevate Web Builder Trial
