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Reported By: Matthew Jones
Reported On: 8/31/2016
For: Version 2.05 Build 4
# 4443 Cannot Set Current Date as SelectedDate Property of TDateEditComboBox Control

Small issue with the TDateEditComboBox. My code is in the following form, but this is not working, because if I have a value, it shows the appropriate date in the display. If I default to the Date, the text that is set in the IDE is shown instead.

This is because the default for the SelectedDate is Date, and the SetSelectedDate routine doesn't bother doing anything if it is not changing.

I can't quite work out how the text of the TDateEditComboBox text display is updated, but it would be nice for either the default to be picked up on display, or it to not default to today.

   szOption := GetValue();
   if szOption <> '' then
       dateTo.SelectedDate := xml_X2DateTime(szOption);
       dateTo.SelectedDate := Date;

Comments Comments and Workarounds
Matthew found out the workaround, which was a bit messy and not ideal:

"If I set the SelectedDate to Date - 10000 first, and then to Date, it shows properly. I will do that for now."

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 9/6/2016 in version 2.06 build 1

Products Affected Products Affected
Elevate Web Builder
Elevate Web Builder Trial
