Icon Appendix A - Error Codes and Messages

The following is a table of the error codes and messages for ElevateDB.

Error CodeMessage and Further Details
EDB_ERROR_VALIDATE (100)There is an error in the metadata for the <ObjectType> <ObjectName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised whenever an attempt is made to create a new catalog or configuration object, and there is an error in the specification of the object. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_UPDATE (101)There was an error updating the <ObjectType> <ObjectName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised whenever ElevateDB encounters an issue while trying to update the disk file used to store a catalog or configuration. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_SYSTEM (200)This operation cannot be performed on the system <ObjectType> <ObjectName> or any privileges granted to itThis error is raised whenever an attempt is made to alter or drop any system-defined catalog or configuration objects. Please see the System Information topic for more information on the system-defined objects in ElevateDB.
EDB_ERROR_DEPENDENCY (201)The <ObjectType> <ObjectName> cannot be dropped or moved because it is still referenced by the <ObjectType> <ObjectName>This error is raised whenever an attempt is made to drop any catalog or configuration object, and that catalog or configuration object is still being referenced by another catalog or configuration object. You must first remove the reference to the object that you wish to drop before you can drop the referenced object.
EDB_ERROR_MODULE (202)An error occurred with the module <ModuleName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised whenever ElevateDB encounters an issue with loading an external module. Please see the External Modules topic for more information.
EDB_ERROR_LOCK (300)Cannot lock <ObjectType> <ObjectName> for <AccessType> accessThis error is raised whenever ElevateDB cannot obtain the desired lock access to a given catalog or configuration object. This is usually due to another session already having an incompatible lock on the object already. Please see the Locking and Concurrency topic for more information.
EDB_ERROR_UNLOCK (301)Cannot unlock <ObjectType> <ObjectName> for <AccessType> accessThis error is raised whenever ElevateDB cannot unlock a given catalog or configuration object. If this error occurs during normal operation of ElevateDB, please contact Elevate Software for further instructions on how to correct the issue
EDB_ERROR_EXISTS (400)The <ObjectType> <ObjectName> already existsThis error is raised whenever an attempt is made to create a new catalog or configuration object, and a catalog or configuration object already exists with that name.
EDB_ERROR_NOTFOUND (401)The <ObjectType> <ObjectName> does not existThis error is raised when an attempt is made to open/execute, alter, or drop a catalog or configuration object that does not exist.
EDB_ERROR_NOTOPEN (402)The database <DatabaseName> must be open in order to perform this operation (<OperationName>)This error is raised when an attempt is made to perform an operation on a given database before it has been opened.
EDB_ERROR_READONLY (403)The <ObjectType> <ObjectName> is read-only and this operation cannot be performed (<OperationName>)This error is raised whenever a create, alter, or drop operation is attempted on an object that is read-only.
EDB_ERROR_TRANS (404)This operation cannot be performed while the database <DatabaseName> has an active transaction (<OperationName>)This error is raised whenever ElevateDB encounters an invalid transaction operation. Some SQL statements cannot be executed within a transaction. For a list of transaction-compatible statements, please see the Transactions topic.
EDB_ERROR_MAXIMUM (405)The maximum number of <ObjectType>s has been reached (<MaximumObjectsAllowed>)This error is raised when an attempt is made to create a new catalog or configuration object and doing so would exceed the maximum allowable number of objects. Please see the Appendix B - System Capacities topic for more information.
EDB_ERROR_IDENTIFIER (406)Invalid <ObjectType> identifier '<ObjectName>'This error is raised when an attempt is made to create a new catalog or configuration object with an invalid name. Please see the Identifiers topic for more information on what constitutes a valid identifier.
EDB_ERROR_FULL (407)The table <TableName> is full (<FileName>)This error occurs when a given table contains the maximum number of rows or the maximum file size is reached for one of the files that make up the table. The file name is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_CONFIG (409)There is an error in the configuration (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised whenever there is an error in the configuration. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_NOLOGIN (500)A user must be logged in in order to perform this operation (<OperationName>)This error is raised whenever an attempt is made to perform an operation for a session that has not been logged in yet with a valid user name and password.
EDB_ERROR_LOGIN (501)Login failed (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised whenever a user login fails. ElevateDB allows for a maximum of 3 login attempts before raising a login exception.
EDB_ERROR_ADMIN (502)Administrator privileges are required to perform this operation (<Operation>)This error is raised when an attempt is made to perform an operation that requires administrator privileges. Administrator privileges are granted to a given user by granting the system-defined "Administrators" role to that user.

Please see the User Security topic for more information.
EDB_ERROR_PRIVILEGE (503)The current user does not have the proper privileges to perform this operation (<OperationName>)This error is raised when a user attempts an operation when he/she does not have the proper privileges required to execute the operation. Please see the User Security topic for more information.
EDB_ERROR_MAXSESSIONS (504)Maximum number of concurrent sessions reached for the configuration <ConfigurationName>This error is raised when the maximum number of licensed sessions for a given configuration is exceeded. The number of licensed sessions for a given configuration depends upon the ElevateDB product purchased along with the particular compilation of the application made by the developer using the ElevateDB product.
EDB_ERROR_SERVER (505)The ElevateDB Server cannot be started (<ErrorMessage>) The ElevateDB Server cannot be stopped (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when the ElevateDB Server cannot be started or stopped for any reason. Normally, the error message will contain a native operating system error message that will reveal the reason for the issue.
EDB_ERROR_FILEMANAGER (600)File manager error (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised whenever ElevateDB encounters a file manager error while trying to create, open, close, delete, or rename a file. The specific error message, including operating system error code (if available), is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_CORRUPT (601)The table <TableName> is corrupt (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when ElevateDB encounters an issue while reading, writing, or validating a table. If this error occurs during normal operation of ElevateDB, please contact Elevate Software for further instructions on how to correct the issue. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_COMPILE (700)An error was found in the <ObjectType> at line <Line> and column <Column> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised whenever an error is encountered while compiling an SQL expression, statement, or routine. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_BINDING (800)A row binding error occurredThis error is raised when ElevateDB encounters an issue while trying to bind the cursor row values in a cursor row. It is an internal error and will not occur unless there is a bug in ElevateDB.
EDB_ERROR_STATEMENT (900)An error occurred with the statement <StatementName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised whenever an issue is encountered while executing a statement. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_PROCEDURE (901)An error occurred with the procedure <ProcedureName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised whenever an issue is encountered while executing a procedure. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_VIEW (902)An error occurred with the view <ViewName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised whenever an issue is encountered while opening a view. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_JOB (903)An error occurred with the job <JobName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised whenever an issue is encountered while running a job. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_IMPORT (904)Error importing the file <FileName> into the table <TableName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when an error occurs during the import process for a given table. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_EXPORT (905)Error exporting the table <TableName> to the file <FileName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when an error occurs during the export process for a given table. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_CURSOR (1000)An error occurred with the cursor <CursorName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised whenever an issue is encountered while operating on a cursor. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_FILTER (1001)A filter error occurred (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised whenever ElevateDB encounters an issue while trying to set or clear a filter on a given cursor. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_LOCATE (1002)A locate error occurred (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised whenever ElevateDB encounters an issue while trying to locate a row in a given cursor. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_STREAM (1003)An error occurred in the cursor stream (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised whenever an issue is encountered while loading or saving a cursor to or from a stream. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_CONSTRAINT (1004)The constraint <ConstrainName> has been violated (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when a constraint that has been defined for a table is violated. This includes primary key, unique key, foreign key, and check constraints. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_LOCKROW (1005)Cannot lock the row in the table <TableName>This error is raised when a request is made to lock a given row and the request fails because another session has the row already locked. Please see the Locking and Concurrency topic for more information.
EDB_ERROR_UNLOCKROW (1006)Cannot unlock the row in the table <TableName>This error is raised whenever ElevateDB cannot unlock a specific row because the row had not been previously locked, or had been locked and the lock has since been cleared. Please see the Locking and Concurrency topic for more information.
EDB_ERROR_ROWDELETED (1007)The row has been deleted since last cached for the table <TableName>This error is raised whenever an attempt is made to update or delete a row, and the row no longer exists because it has been deleted by another session. Please see the Updating Rows topic for more information.
EDB_ERROR_ROWMODIFIED (1008)The row has been modified since last cached for the table <TableName>This error is raised whenever an attempt is made to update or delete a row, and the row has been updated by another session since the last time it was cached by the current session. Please see the Updating Rows topic for more information.
EDB_ERROR_CONSTRAINED (1009)The cursor is constrained and this row violates the current cursor constraint condition(s)This error is raised when an attempt is made to insert a new row into a constrained cursor that violates the filter constraints defined for the cursor. Both views defined in database catalogs and the result sets of dynamic queries can be defined as constrained, and the filter constraints in both cases are the WHERE conditions defined for the underlying SELECT query that the view or dynamic query is based upon.
EDB_ERROR_ROWVISIBILITY (1010)The row is no longer visible in the table <TableName>This error is raised whenever an attempt is made to update or delete a row within the context of a cursor with an active filter or range condition, and the row has been updated by another session since the last time it was cached by the current session, thus causing it to fall out of the scope of the cursor's active filter or range condition. Please see the Updating Rows topic for more information.
EDB_ERROR_VALUE (1011)An error occurred with the <ObjectType> <ObjectName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised whenever an attempt is made to store a value in a column, parameter, or variable and the value is invalid because it is out of range or would be truncated. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_CLIENTCONN (1100)A connection to the server at <ServerAddress> cannot be established (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when ElevateDB encounters an issue while trying to connect to a remote ElevateDB Server. The error message will indicate the reason why the connection cannot be completed.
EDB_ERROR_CLIENTLOST (1101)A connection to the server at <ServerAddress> has been lost <ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when ElevateDB encounters an issue while connected to a remote ElevateDB Server. The error message will indicate the reason why the connection was lost.
EDB_ERROR_INVREQUEST (1103)An invalid or unknown request was sent to the serverThis error is raised when an ElevateDB Server encounters an unknown request from a client session.
EDB_ERROR_ADDRBLOCK (1104)The IP address <IPAddress> is blockedThis error is raised when a session tries to connect to an ElevateDB Server, and the originating IP address for the session matches one of the configured blocked IP addresses in the ElevateDB Server, or does not match one of the configured authorized IP addresses in the ElevateDB Server.
EDB_ERROR_ENCRYPTREQ (1105)An encrypted connection is requiredThis error is raised when a non-encrypted session tries to connect to an ElevateDB Server that has been configured to only accept encrypted session connections.
EDB_ERROR_SESSIONNOTFOUND (1107)The session ID <SessionID> is no longer present on the serverThis error is raised whenever a remote session attempts to reconnect to a session that has already been designated as a dead session and removed by the ElevateDB Server. This can occur when a session is inactive for a long period of time, or when the ElevateDB Server has been stopped and then restarted.
EDB_ERROR_SESSIONCURRENT (1108)The current session ID <SessionID> cannot be disconnected or removedThis error is raised whenever a remote session attempts to disconnect or remove itself.
EDB_ERROR_COMPRESS (1200)An error occurred while compressing data (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when ElevateDB encounters an issue while attempting to compress data. It is an internal error and will not occur unless there is a bug in ElevateDB. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_DECOMPRESS (1201)An error occurred while uncompressing data (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when ElevateDB encounters an issue while attempting to decompress data. It is an internal error and will not occur unless there is a bug in ElevateDB. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_BACKUP (1300)Error backing up the database <DatabaseName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when any error occurs during the backing up of a database. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_RESTORE (1301)Error restoring the database <DatabaseName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when any error occurs during the restore of a database. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_PUBLISH (1302)Error publishing the database <DatabaseName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when any error occurs during the publishing of a database. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_UNPUBLISH (1303)Error unpublishing the database <DatabaseName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when any error occurs during the unpublishing of a database. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_SAVEUPDATES (1304)Error saving updates for the database <DatabaseName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when any error occurs during the saving of the updates for a database. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_LOADUPDATES (1305)Error loading updates for the database <DatabaseName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when any error occurs during the loading of the updates for a database. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_STORE (1306)Error with the store <StoreName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when any error occurs while trying to access a store, such as a read or write error while working with files in the store. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_CACHEUPDATES (1307)Error caching updates for the cursor <CursorName> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when any error occurs during the caching of updates for a specific table, view, or query cursor. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.
EDB_ERROR_FORMAT (1400)Error in the format string <FormatString> (<ErrorMessage>)This error is raised when ElevateDB encounters an issue with a format string used in a date, time, or timestamp format used in a table import or export. The specific error message is indicated within the parentheses.