Icon Using the Request Manager

The request manager is used to define HTTP requests that are used to remotely debug server applications in the IDE. Please see the Running and Debugging a Project topic for more information on how to select an HTTP request to use when debugging a server application, and the Server Request Architecture topic for more information about server requests.


Creating a New Request
Use the following steps to create a new request using the request manager:
  • Right-click on the Requests node of the request manager. The context menu for the request manager will appear. Click on the New Request menu option.

The New Request dialog will now appear:


After making any changes, click on the OK button to save the changes, or the Cancel button to discard the changes.


The General page provides options for specifying the name and description of the request, along with the HTTP method, relative URL path, and/or URL parameters to use with the request.


URL parameters are key-value pairs in the following form:

<Parameter Name>=<Parameter Value>[&<Parameter Name>=<Parameter Value>]

NameThe name of the request.
DescriptionThe description of the request.
HTTP MethodThe HTTP method for the request.
Information You can only specify content to be included with the request if the selected HTTP method is POST, PUT, or PATCH.
PathThis is a relative URL path that will be appended to the base URL path defined for the web server that the application is being debugged on. This path is useful with REST-ful HTTP API calls that use the path to identify a particular resource.
Information Do not prefix this path with a path separator (/).
ParametersThese are the URL parameters that will be appended to the URL path derived from the base URL path defined for the web server that the application is being debugged on, combined with the relative URL path specified above.
Information Do not prefix the parameters with a URL parameters separator (?). However, you do need to separate multiple parameters with the ampersand (&) parameter separator.


The Content page provides options for defining the content to include with a POST, PUT, or PATCH request.


Content StructureUse this combo box to specify the structure of the content. The Text Content structure allows to include textual content that can be entered using the Content edit control, the File Content structure allows you to include a file as the content, and the Mixed Text/File Content and Mixed Form/File Content structures permit the inclusion of both textual content and file content.
Information Any mixed content structure results in the content being encoded as multi-part content. For the Mixed Form/File Content structure, the Content Type cannot be specified because the textual content is automatically assumed to be URL-encoded, key-value data. This structure is synonymous with the multi-part form data requests that originate from submitted HTML forms.
ContentThe textual content for the request.
Content TypeThe MIME type of the textual content.
File NameThe file name to include as the file content for a mixed content structure.
File Content TypeThe MIME type of the file content.
Information If the file content type has not been populated, then it will be automatically populated based upon the file extension of the file name entered or selected.

Custom Headers

The Custom Headers page provides an area to add any custom headers that are necessary for the request.


Headers are key-value pairs in the following form:

<Header Name>: <Header Value>

By default, any HTTP requests are automatically set up with the following standard headers:

DateCurrent date/time in RFC 7231 format

<Day-Name>, <Day> <Month> <Year> <Hour>:<Minute>:<Second> GMT
User AgentPopulated programmatically, not used with requests defined in the request manager
HostHost is derived from the URL for the target web server that the request is being executed against

Editing an Existing Request
Use the following steps to edit an existing request using the request manager:
  • Right-click on the request node that you want to edit. The context menu for the request manager will appear. Click on the Edit Request menu option.

The Edit Request dialog will now appear:


After making any changes, click on the OK button to save the changes, or the Cancel button to discard the changes.

Deleting an Existing Request
Use the following steps to delete an existing request using the request manager:
  • Right-click on the request node that you want to delete. The context menu for the request manager will appear. Click on the Delete Request menu option.


  • A confirmation dialog will be displayed, asking you to confirm the removal of the request. Click on the Yes button to continue, or the No button to cancel the removal.

  • Image