Icon New Incident Reports for 2.02

The following is a list of the new incidents reported for version 2.02. Click on the incident # in order to view the details of the incident report.

Serious Problems

14263On..Except Blocks Cause Compilation Error with Referenced Variables Inside of BlocksNo
14265Viewport Mouse Wheel Scrolling Not WorkingNo
14266Updating TListBox Items Not Triggering Proper Data Changes When Bound to a TDataSetNo
14267Viewport Touch Scrolling Not Working ProperlyNo
14268Auto-Sized UI Elements Containing Content with Embedded CRLFs Not Being Sized ProperlyNo
14272Class Method Implementations Resulting in Incorrect Javascript Code GenerationNo
24274Resizing a Control with an Outset Shadow Causes a GDI+ ErrorYes
34279Updating or Deleting Rows and Committing Transaction Causes Commit ErrorNo
34280MultiSelect Not Working Properly with TListBox ControlNo
34281Turning Off Auto-Save Project Option in Environment Options Prevents Proper Saving of ProjectsYes
44285Closing a DataSet Does Not Update Bound Controls ProperlyNo
44286OnInitRow Column Assignments Do Not WorkNo
44288Deleting a Non-Visual Component from a Form Can Cause Access ViolationNo
44291Defined Compiler Symbols Not Being Properly Cleared During Each Compilation CycleNo
44292ADO DataSet Connection Properties Not Populating Provider Property ProperlyYes
44293Web Server Returning Duplicate Access-Control-Allow-Origin Headers with Cross-Resource RequestsNo
44294TMultiLineEdit Controls Not Editing Values Properly When Values Contain Embedded Hard CRLF PairsNo
44295Invalid Child Controls Allowed to be Parented to ControlsNo

Minor Problems

14262OnLoad Error Message Incorrect for Non-Connection ErrorsNo
14264PDFModule Example Project Not Including the Proper PDF FilesNo
14269Auto-Saving Saving Units But Not Saving Project Before a CompilationYes
14270Access Violation in IDE after Moving and Closing Welcome PageNo
14273Using TMap with Layout Settings on a TPage Causes Map Drawing IssuesNo
34282Background Property for TGroupPanel Control Modifies Client Area OnlyNo
44283Empty Methods in a Form Unit Result in an Access Violation During a SaveYes
44287Underscore Characters are not Visible in Comments in Code EditorNo
44289Messages Panel Splitter Constraints Issue in the IDENo
44290Running IDE with Classic Theme Active Results in Incorrect White Font for Editor Search PanelNo
44296Clicking on Grid Column Header Separator at Design-Time Causes Invalid Reference ErrorNo
44297Specifying a Visible Animation for an Invisible Auto-Created Form Causes Form to be Briefly VisibleNo
