Icon New Incident Reports for 1.09

The following is a list of the new incidents reported for version 1.09. Click on the incident # in order to view the details of the incident report.

Serious Problems

12583CREATE JOB Statement Causes Access ViolationNo
12586TParam Objects Not Being Stored in DFM File for TEDBQuery, TEDBStoredProc, or TEDBScript ComponentsYes
12587INSERT..SELECT Statements with Constant Value as First Select Column Not Working ProperlyYes
12589An Attempt to Create a Duplicate Index Name using CREATE INDEX Causes Table Version Number IncrementNo
12592Custom TEDBSession RemoteEncryptionPassword Property Settings Not Working ProperlyNo
12594PDF Manuals Missing ExamplesNo
12595Executing a SELECT * Query Against Multiple Databases Causes a Compilation ErrorNo
12597Using UDF in First Column of SELECT Statement Used with INSERT Statement Results in Null ValuesNo
12599Using EDBDataAdapter Update Method With INSERT Statement Causes NullReference ExceptionNo
12601Triggers That Update Their Source Table Cause Access ViolationNo
12602Inserting Rows Using .Net Can Cause Error When Trying to Delete the Rows Using Win32 ApplicationNo
22603Closing a Remote Session Causes the Server to Enter a Hard LoopNo
22604Altering a Stored Procedure or Function with a Description Causes Compilation ErrorYes
32615Column Descriptions Being Used by ADO for Column NamesNo
32616Tables with VARCHAR Columns Not Displaying Properly in Microsoft Access Using ODBC DriverNo
32617Boolean Connection String Properties Not Assigned Properly for .Net Data Provider and ODBC DriverNo
32618ElevateDB Server Window Hangs When Running as a ServiceNo
32619Compilation of Applications Using Unicode Version Require Inclusion of Compiler DefineYes
32620Importing Text Files Using Unicode Version of ElevateDB Can Cause Import ErrorNo
32624Computed Columns Not Calcuating Correctly for String ConcatenationYes
32629Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Jobs Are Being Executed Every MinuteNo
32630CREATE JOB Fails with Compilation Error for MONTHLY JobsNo
32631Altering an Existing Job and Only Modifying the Job SQL Causes the Changes to Be IgnoredNo
32632Creating a Monthly Job for a Specific Day of the Month Causes AVNo
32633Log Manager Not Showing New Log Records Without Closing and Restarting SessionYes
32636DOES NOT CONTAIN Conditions Not Selecting Correct RowsNo
32639Executing Remote SELECT Statements that Generate Insensitive Query Result Sets Can Cause #9999 ErrorNo
32640Changes to the Collation for Column Involved in Constraints are IgnoredYes
32641Connecting a Session With Pinging Turned Off Can Cause AVNo
32642Calling Procedures or Functions from Scripts Causes AVYes

Minor Problems

12590Generated Columns That Contain Functions Not Being Updated when Rows are UpdatedNo
12591SQL Manual Missing Documentation on SQL/PSM UNPREPARE StatementNo
12593Extra Parameter in SQL/PSM Statement Does Not Raise ExceptionNo
12598Attempting to Insert an Empty String into a BLOB Column Causes a Null Exception in .NET ProviderYes
22605Windows Requires Two Shutdown Requests When ElevateDB Server is Running as an ApplicationNo
22606The .Net Data Provider Not Pinging the Server By DefaultYes
32613Previous Fix for Windows Shutdown Issue in Incident #2605 is IncompleteYes
32614Incorrect Information in Manual for SQL/PSM UNPREPARE StatementNo
32621Including an ORDER BY Clause in a Single-Row SELECT Statement Causes AVYes
32622ElevateDB Manager Not Executing Stored Procedures that Contain Only Output ParametersNo
32623KeepTablesOpen Property is Preventing Changes From Being Detected During Table OpensYes
32625Altering a Text Index Results in a Blank Filter Type Column in the ElevateDB ManagerYes
32626TEDBDatabase Database Property in Component Reference Documentation IncorrectNo
32627RESTART WITH Clause Allowed with Non-IDENTITY ColumnsNo
32628Leaving Out Interval Specification from CREATE JOB Statement Causes AVYes
32634Altering Certain Jobs in the ElevateDB Manager Results in Incorrect Settings in the Alter Job DialogNo
32635Conversion Errors Not Displaying Proper Value in Error MessageNo
32637Opening a Table with an Active Index that Has Been Dropped Causes Error in ElevateDB ManagerNo
32638Documentation Missing on Error Codes #1100 and #1101No
